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Theme Management

Themes are managed by your Site.

In Render Engine, themes are a collection of Jinja templates and static files used to render your site.

Themes can be added by registering a theme or providing your templates in the templates folder of your project.

Adding your templates

You can provide your own theme by adding a templates folder to your project_path.

Setting a custom templates path

You can set a custom templates path by setting the template_path attribute of your site.

from render_engine import Site

class  MySite(Site):
    template_path = 'my_templates'

# You can also set this after you've initialized the class
# app = MySite()
# app.template_path = "my_templates"

Handling Static Files

Static files can be added to the site as well either by you or a theme. This allows you to import custom css files, images, javascript and more.

Unlike templates you can have more than one static_path you wish to include. You can add mores static paths using site.static_path.add("<path/to/static>").

from render_engine import Site

class MySite(Site):
    static_path = "my_static"

# You can also set this after you've initialized the class
# app = MySite()
# app.static_path = "my_static"

Static files can be added at any level under the static_path directory.

All files and directories under the static_path will be copied to the output_path .

Adding third-party themes

Themes can be added to your site by registering them.

from sometheme import SomeTheme
from anothertheme import AnotherTheme

app = Site()

Falling back to default theme

Render Engine has a default theme collection that can be used as a fallback. These themes are used if a theme is not found in the registered themes.

Default Themes Templates pages:

  • page.html

Note: The default theme is extremely bare-bones and is only there in case you don't have a theme registered. It is recommended to register a theme or provide your own templates.